Olivia Bowsman

Graduation Year: 2021

Level 10

Status: Committed - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Competition Results:

State Qualifier


Level 8 State Qualifier - 1st Place All-Around

Level 8 Regional Qualifier - 4th Place All-Around


Level 10 State Qualifier - 9th Place Vault, 10th Place Bars, 8th Place Beam, 6th Place Floor & 7th Place All-Around

Level 10 Regional Qualifier - 5th Place Vault, 4th Place Bars, 4th Place Beam & 5th Place All-Around

Level 10 Women's Junior Olympic National Championship Qualifier


Level 10 State Qualifier


Skills Competed:

Vault - Yurchenko pike, layout, layout full

Bars - Piroutte, kip cast free hip, giant giant double back, swing half, bail handstand, toe catch high, tuck full out

Beam - Flip-flop layout, switch leap split quarter, full turn flutter, round-off full dismount, switch leap to back pike, flutter to split full, flip-flop 1 1/2, round-off to full

Floor - Round-off 1 1/2 step out round-off flip-flop full, 1 1/2 turn, switch leap tour jete full, front layout front pike, double back, front layout front full, round-off 1 1/2 pike


Skills Mastered, but not competing:

Vault- Yurchenko tuck, pike and layout

Bars - Double back, swing half, bail, full out, toe catch high

Beam- Flip-flop layout, full turn, side aerial, switch leap split 3/4, round-off full 1 1/2 and double full dismount, flip-flop 1 1/2 dismount

Floor - Round-off 1 1/2 tuck and pike, front layout front layout, front full, front layout front full, 1 1/2 turn, switch ring tour jete full


Skills Training:

Vault - Yurchenko full

Bars - Full blind, toe hand, tkachev

Beam - Switch leap split full, round-off 2 1/2 dismount

Floor - Round-off flip-flop double back and double pike, punch rudi

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